News, Info, + Groups
These links include information the following topics:
- General Environmental Information
- Pollution and Cancer
- U.S. Environmental Groups
- Regional Environmental/Biological Groups and Resources
- Science-based Resources
- Government Resources
- Environmental Education and Planners
- Free Market Environmental Think Tanks
- Politics, Public Policy, and the Environment
General Environmental Information
- Biodiversity Project
- Earth Day
- Earth Day Information Center
- Earth Day, Wilderness Society
- Earthsystems.Org
- Louisiana Energy & Environmental Resource and Information Center (LEERIC)
- Louisiana Environmentalist (LDEQ newsletter)
- National Council for Science and the Environment
Includes loads of information, including the National Library for the Environment, links to over 300 environmental journals, and much, much more. - Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)
- Rachel's Environmental Research Foundation
- Yahoo, Environment and Nature
Pollution and Cancer
- American Chemistry Council (formerly Chemical Manufacturers Association)
- Chlorine Chemistry Council
- Citizens for the Right-to-Know
- Greenpeace USA
- Louisiana Chemical Association
- Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (mercury, Toxic Release Inventory, etc.)
- Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (coastal issues, oil & gas)
- Louisiana Tumor Registry
- Lower Mississippi River Interagency Cancer Study
- Surveillance Epidemiology & End Results (SEER)
- National Directory of Environmental and Regulatory Victims
- North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (cancer information for all states)
U.S. Environmental Groups
- Oceana
- Conservation International
- Corp Watch
- Environmental Defense
- Environmental Research Foundation
- Environmental Working Group
- Greenpeace USA
- League of Conservation Voters
- National Audubon Society
- National Wildlife Federation
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- The Nature Conservancy
- Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)
- Restore America's Estuaries
- Rocky Mountain Institute
- Sierra Club
- World Resources Institute
- World Wildlife Fund
- Worldwatch Institute
Regional Environmental/Biological Groups and Resources
- Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program
- Baton Rouge Audubon
- Black Bear Conservation Committee
- Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
- Deep South Center for Environmental Justice
- Delta Chapter, Sierra Club
- The Green Project
- Gulf Restoration Network
- Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation -(Save our Lake)
- Louisiana Audubon Council
- Louisiana Bucket Brigade
- Louisiana Environmental Action Network
- Louisiana Ornithological Society
- Louisiana Wildlife Federation
- Lower Mississippi Riverkeepers
- The Nature Conservancy of Louisiana
- Orleans Audubon
- Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences, UNO
Science-based Resources
- Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Alabama
- Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
- Loyola University Department of Biological Sciences
- LSU, School of the Coast & Environment
- LSU, Coastal Fisheries Institute (CFI)
- LSU, Coastal Studies Institute (CSI)
- LSU, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences (DOCS)
- LSU, Earth Scan Laboratory (ESL)
- LSU, Institute for Environmental Studies (IES)
- LSU, Louisiana Geographic Information Center (LAGIC)
- THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES (National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council)
- National Wetlands Research Center
- Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University
- SLU, Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station
- Southeastern Louisiana Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Group
- Tulane Mississippi River Database Project
- Tulane/Xavier Center for Bioenvironmental Research
- Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences, UNO
- Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, publishes Ecofables/Ecoscience
Government Resources
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- EPA Sponsored Websites
- Gulf of Mexico Program
- Info Louisiana (entry to Louisiana government websites)
- Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry
- Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
- Louisiana Geographic Information System Council (demographic info)
- Louisiana Sea Grant
- LSU Agricultural Center (extension service)
Environmental Education and Planners
- Advanced Technology Environmental Education Center
- The Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA)
- The Audubon Nature Institute, New Orleans
- Council for Environmental Education (CEE)
- INFORM, Strategies for a Better Environment
- Lessons on the Lake: An Educational Guide to the Pontchartrain Basin
- Peninsula Conservation Center Foundation, Palo Alto, Calif.
- Project Wild
- Resource Renewal Institute
- Tree of Life, University of Arizona
- UC Berkeley, The Graduate School of Journalism, Environmental Journalism
Free Market Environmental Think Tank
- Center for Private Conservation
- CATO Institute
- Competitive Enterprise Institute
- The Heartland Institute, publish Environment News
- National Center for Policy Analysis
- Pacific Research Institute
- PERC, Property & Environment Research Center
- Reason Public Policy Institute