Selected Bibliography for these Notes
Adams, R. D. et al. 1976. Barataria Basin: Geologic processes and framework. Center for Wetland Resources, LSUBR, 117 pp.
Allen, Charles M., Andrew W. Allen, and Harry H. Winters. 2005. Edible plants of the Gulf south. Allen’s Native Ventrues, LLC. Pitkin, La. 291 pp.
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Anderson, R. and M. Rockel. 1991. Economic valuation of wetlands. Discussion paper #065. Am. Pet. Inst. 60 pp.
Anonymous. 1978. Wildlife resources of Louisiana. La. Dept. Wildl. Fish., Wildl. Ed. Bull (93): 1-34.
Anonymous. 1996. Costly corps: How the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers spends your tax dollars to destroy America's natural resources. Gulf Restoration Network and Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, New Orleans. 55 pp.
Bahr, L. M., Jr., R. Costanza, J. W. Day, Jr., S. E. Bayley, C. Neill, S. G. Leibowitz, and J. Fruci. 1983. Ecological characterization of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain region: a narrative with management recommendations. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Div. Biol. Serv., Washington, D. C. FWS/OBS-82/69. 189 pp.
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Barataria Terrebonne National Estuary Program. 1995. Saving our good earth: A call to action. Barataria-Terrebone National Estuary Program Characterization Report. 62 pp.
Barrett, B. B. and M. C. Gillespie. 1973. Primary factors which influence commercial shrimp production in coastal Louisiana. La. Dept. Wildl. Fish. Tech. Bull. 9: 1-28.
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Kazmann, R. G. and D. B. Johnson. 1980. If the old river control structure fails? (The physical and economic consequences). La. Water Res. Research Inst. Bull. 12: 86 pp.
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